It’s your first time here? Welcome to the world of mortgages, don’t worry we’ll hold your hand all the way through until you collect your keys!
We are proud to offer whole of market access via our extensive range of mortgage lenders to ensure we help you find a mortgage to suit your financial position.
5% Deposit
Did you know you could become a proud homeowner with as little as 5% deposit!
Gifted deposit
We know it can be extremely difficult to save in these expensive times with the cost of living at an all-time high but fear not, it’s exceptionally common for family members to “gift” you a deposit.
How much can I borrow?
A very general rule is that you can borrow between 4-5X your income, but don’t worry within a quick 15-minute call we can determine exactly how much you may be able to borrow.
Can parents, family or friends help me borrow more?
Put simply yes! It is possible. This is called a joint borrower, sole proprietor (JBSP) mortgage and is a fantastic way to borrow extra with the help of a loved one.
Most lenders will carry out a basic valuation or survey on the property you are looking to purchase, and better yet, most lenders will do this completely free of charge. There are also options to upgrade your survey to a homebuyers report, although this comes at an extra cost you can get peace of mind there’s no hidden issues with your first home!
Solicitors & conveyancers
We need them to help you through the legalities of buying your first home. How much do they cost? We work with a range of trusted local solicitors and conveyancers and the typical cost is between £900 -£1300+, depending on the price of the home you are purchasing.
Estate Agents
Love them or hate them, they can be your best friends during the home buying process… We have a very unique position to work with local agents to help actively find you a home and get you in the doors first, even before they come to market!
It’s very common for lenders to offer cashback with their mortgage products and after digging deep into those saving accounts for a deposit, this could be very welcomed. We ensure you have a range of mortgages to choose from so you get the best option to suit you.
Get in Touch
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